Drugs.ie is Ireland’s national drug information and support website and provides a comprehensive range of information and supports related to substance use. It is managed by The Ana Liffey Drug Project and funded by the HSE with support from the National Social Inclusion Office.
Drugs.ie provides an A-Z of different types of drugs and their effects, a wide range of support resources and several harm-reduction campaign resources.
The site also houses a national directory of drugs and alcohol services.

Drugs.ie recently launched an interactive drug self-assessment and brief intervention resource. The resource will enable individuals over the age of eighteen to complete an online test to identify harmful drug use. On completing the test, the user receives personalised video feedback based on their specific responses, with suggestions on what to do to change any risks relating to drug use.
If you are looking for online support in relation to a drug and/or alcohol issue you can access the drugs.ie LiveHelp online support chat service.

Drugs.ie on behalf of the HSE hosts Let’s Talk About Drugs National Media Awards.